Saturday, November 15, 2008

So we are up in Whistler now. God hooked us up with a place to crash for a week! Its right in Whistler village and its a perfect base to sort out a place to live. I found out that they have an Esquires coffee shop here in the village.. The same one that i worked back in England! I went in there and the owner seemed really excited when i asked for a job. I think his exact words were "Esquires in England eh? You do latte art? You want to start tommorrow?" So God needs some big praises for that.

Everyone that we have talked to here has told us that its really hard to find a place to live, So we need a lot of prayer. We realise that we really cant do this without God, and are excited about being dependent on him.

Over and oouut.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey you guys!!! Floyd here... miss you tons... but will be praying for all that stuff you asked. I am stoked on the latte art... i wish i could do something like that! I will get you some other contacts info that i know for you guys and see if any of that will help. Love you dudes! and Seth... you cant get that warrant... i almost burned my chances to going back into Canada... so be careful and smart... i love you...take wisdom from a dope like me who always leaned the hard way. Proud f you guys!

talk to you soon... get skype too!

FLoyD Lindz... & HolDen<><